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🧘‍♀️Why Mindset Matters More Than You Think empowered mindsest mindset overcoming challenges Sep 09, 2024

In every journey toward personal and professional growth, there’s one invisible force that makes all the difference: mindset. Whether you're chasing a new career, trying to build better relationships, or just hoping to feel happier and more fulfilled in life, your mindset can either be your...

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✳️The Ease and Importance of Using QuickBooks for Your Business accounting business accounting quickbooks quickbooks online Sep 06, 2024

In today's fast-paced business environment, managing finances efficiently is crucial for the success and growth of any company. QuickBooks, a popular accounting software, has become a go-to solution for businesses of all sizes, and for good reason. Its user-friendly interface, robust features,...

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🟠The Six Steps To Starting Your Dream Business From Scratch! Aug 23, 2024

As a child, I was always rebellious and really struggled with the ‘norms’ that was expected of me. Even though I was very intelligent and in the gifted classes (the smart kid classes) sitting in a classroom all day was extremely challenging. My mind would wander so focusing for me was...

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🤱🏽Overcoming "Mom Guilt": How to Let Go of the Feeling You're Not Doing Enough mom guilt you are enough Aug 08, 2024

If you’re a mom, chances are you’ve experienced it—the nagging feeling that you’re not doing enough, or that you’re somehow falling short as a parent. I know I have...well, actually it creeps up on me almost everyday! This feeling, often referred to as "mom guilt,"...

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🧩The Benefits Of Owning A Franchise franchise franchise opportunity investing in a frachise Jul 08, 2024

I got a call from my longtime friend, Robert, a few months ago. He wanted to share several franchise opportunities with me. Because he has more than 50 years of business experience, a successful entrepreneur, and a franchisee himself, I was super interested in what my friend wanted to share. Taco...

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❇️The Journey of Single Moms Becoming Entrepreneurs entrepreneur free start a business ebook single mom single mom business owner single mom entrepreneur start a business Jul 07, 2024

Being a single mom comes with its own set of unique challenges and rewards. Balancing the demands of mommyhood with the ambition to build a successful career can be daunting. Yet, many single mothers are finding empowerment and financial independence by venturing into entrepreneurship. This...

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🧡The Five Friends Every Woman Should Have above average intelligence five friends positivity ride or die risk taker super mom Jun 27, 2024

In the journey of life, the company we keep plays a pivotal role in shaping our experiences and perspectives. For women, having a diverse and supportive circle of friends can make all the difference.

My circle of girlfriends has helped me survive some really challenging times in life. They have...

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🏠The Ease and Benefits of Starting Your Own Airbnb Management Business airbnb airbnb management start a business Jun 27, 2024

In today's dynamic economy, the sharing economy has revolutionized how we travel and do business. At the forefront of this movement is Airbnb, which has transformed the way people find lodging around the world. As Airbnb continues to grow, so does the demand for quality property management...

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🥗Nourish Your Beauty & Vitality: The Powerful Connection Between Healthy Eating and Your Overall Well-Being eating healthy healthy hair healthy nails healthy skin macronutrients micronutrients May 14, 2024

In the pursuit of beauty, we often turn to an array of skincare products, hair treatments, and nail care routines. While these external remedies can certainly provide temporary enhancements, the true secret to unlocking radiant nails, skin, and hair lies within the foods we eat. In this blog,...

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💀Your Business Dies Without Reviews! (WOM) Sep 25, 2023

Traveling is something my family and I looovvveeee to do! Every year we go on vacation together, typically 7 or 8 of us. We plan our entire trip months in advance and my daughter-in-law, also named Chandler, creates our itinerary.

(yes, my oldest son, Chandler married a lovely young lady also...

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💹Effective Social Media Marketing with Zero Ad Spend! no ads social media marketing zero ad spend Sep 11, 2023

Marketing is the big ‘M’ for most businesses. No, ‘M’ is NOT for Marketing.

‘M’ is for the MYSTERY of executing effective marketing to get your business in front of the right audience. Even if you have a huge ad budget, without the right message, budget can be...

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✴️Conquering the Fear of Doing Videos Sep 11, 2023

2018, developing and recording my first coaching course to offer online was literally one of the hardest tasks I’ve ever undertaken.

I had a camera, umbrella lighting, camera stand, and a big, shiny, white dry erase board. I would write a script word for word on my whiteboard, step behind...

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