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⛔️Proximity Boundaries: Escape from Abuse Before Escaping escape from abuse set boundaries Oct 11, 2022

Feeling trapped in an abusive relationship is one of the worst nightmares imaginable. It’s an endless cycle of fear, tears, anxiety, and the constant feeling that it’s never going to end. At some point, you may even begin to wonder if you are the crazy one. You’ve been so...

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❌Trapped No More: Breaking the Trauma Bond with an Abusive (ex)Partner abuser boundaries child of god joy love more than a conqueror peace trapped unfulfilled Aug 24, 2022

About 1 in every 3 women experience abuse in their relationships AND about 1 in every 5 women have experienced a relationship with a narcissistic partner. ‍

Yesterday, as I sat with my client, she poured out her heart about how trapped she feels. Trapped in a life that is unfulfilling,...

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🤦🏼‍♀️OMG, All That Was Holding Me Back! empower live out loud overcome challenges power womens empowerment Feb 10, 2022
I started studying people's patterns several years ago when I began to realize my own. I figured out what had been keeping me stuck and it made me super curious what was causing others to struggle to function, obtain goals, and chase dreams.
For me, things were holding me back that...
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