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✏️You CAN Learn Anything in Your Dream Pursuit

pursuing your dreams start a business Dec 07, 2022
learning new skills

OH, You Don’t Know? 

Chasing your dreams is only scary because ‘You don’t know...’! 

Over this past week, I undertook the task of creating a webinar (yep, my 1st one), locating a platform to host it, integrating that new hosting site with my website for measuring engagement, conversion, and the interest of sisters that are looking for ways to feel better, heal, and grow. 

Here’s the kicker...I didn’t know how to do any of that a week and a half ago.  

I’d love to say, “Oh, I just love learning all this new stuff! Yay! What fun!”  

But I’d be lying to you if I did so I’ll hold my tongue and say quite honestly instead, “I really DO NOT enjoy much of the technical side of coaching.” I learn it, however, because I want to know my business inside and out...and have the ability to teach my tech people how I want it done. 

My point is you may not know everything required to make your dreams a reality.  

You, most likely, will suffer criticism in the quest for greatness.  

You actually (judging by my roller coaster ride to my dream life) WILL fail over and over again.  

But, if you ask me if I’d change any of the hell (yes, I said hell) I’ve went through to get to this very point today, I’d say “HELL NO!” 


Because the life I have now is BOLD, COURAGEOUS, and FULFILLING! The Freedom to work when & where I choose is something I believed was not possible a few years ago. I mean, let’s face it, the reality is, I spent most of my life with others controlling my time, so I was trained to believe that was just how it is! 

Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s not. And you may not desire the same things I desire but whatever it is...IT’S POSSIBLE! 

Back to what I mentioned in the beginning of this POWER News... 

Chasing your dreams is only scary because ‘You don’t know...’! point to this POWER News is... 

You can learn ANYTHING you don’t know!  

Steve Harvey says it all the time...”Your Gift will make room for you.” 

It’s true, Sis!  

This amazing thing happens when you make a decision and say, “Enough is enough! I want more! I want to know what my Purpose is AND I want to Thrive in it.” 

Whatever your belief may be (I’m not here to have a spiritual conversation in this POWER News), (God, the Universe, Mother Nature or whatever)... 

Will give you what you want if... 

(And this is BIG FAT IF...) 

You are willing to Push Forward... 

Chase Your Dreams...SCARED... 


Even though YOU DON’T KNOW! 

My deepest, greatest, desire for YOU is that you do say,  

“Enough is enough! I want more! I want to know what my Purpose is AND I want to Thrive in it.” 

I pray that you dig deep enough (and you don’t have to dig very deep) to find just a little bit of courage to raise your hand and say...THAT’S ME...I WANT MORE! 

Trust me when I say, I am thinking about you! I am praying for you! 

I want to see you HAPPY, FULFILLED, & THRIVING! 

Like it or not, you are my Sister! 

Peace – Love – Joy! 

If you haven’t already, snag your copy of my new book, 'Mind Your Own Business: 6 Steps To Building Your Dream Business From Scratch'

Check it out here!

Check out 'Mind Your Own Business' here!!


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