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🎉New Year...THE REAL YOU!

community start a business tribe of women women business owners women entrepreneur Jan 05, 2023
Mind Her Own Business

Have you ever considered how stressful the whole “New Year, New You” thing is?

Think about it…you just survived the holidays; visits from relatives, at least two huge planned meals (maybe more), spent way too much money on gifts (most of which the kids have already broken or lost interest in), struggled to meet everyone’s expectations, sacrificed going to the gym, and by now, you’re hanging on by a very thin thread.

Then the New Year rolls in and the stress of New Year’s Resolutions is upon you, along with the idea that you must now become a whole New YOU!

Geez! Why must you become a New You?

In reality, the world needs you to believe you aren’t good enough just as you were created. The advertisers, big box stores, and media exists by your discomfort and constant need to be different than you are naturally.

Let me tell you a little secret…you are more than enough AND amazing just the way you are now.

But I’d also be remiss in my duties if I didn’t tell you that something is missing. One very important ingredient that is absolutely essential to the New Year….

…this one awesome, amazing component that will make 2023 YOUR YEAR!

It’s sounds so simple that this mystery missing clue that I’m about to share is going to annoy you…like “Yea right, Camille!”

But here goes…

All that’s missing is…




Listen, I know what you’re thinking…

“But I do need to change.”

“But I do need to lose weight.”

“But I do need to make more money; save more money.”

“But I do need to chase my dreams; accomplish my goals.”

And while all those things may be true, the issue is not with all the outside stuff. The real issue lies within. The real issue is that you have forgotten who you are and how to love you, how to be you, and how amazing The Real You truly is.

And it may have happened long, long ago.

I want to share a story about a little girl, a pretty little girl with long, blonde hair, sassy attitude, and electric green eyes. She spent much of her time growing up at her Granny’s house in the rolling North Georgia hills, playing with older cousins and a neighborhood full of kids of all ages.

She was filled with all the confidence she needed to conquer the world. Best believe, if you she didn’t get her way with the older kids, the spoiled little girl was wasting no time telling Granny. Granny did not tolerate anyone mistreating her Baby Girl.

Then one day, she was left for a visit with her other grandmother, the estranged one, and her husband (the bounty hunter). That visit was the first day that Granny was not there to protect the once so-confident green eyed, sass-o-frass. Her innocence was stolen and that day, she turned inward, hiding her pain and confusion.

I know that little girl very well because, you see, that little girl was me.

And yes, I forgot who I was long, long ago.

Learning to love me, be me, embrace me…The Real Me…was the best gift I ever gave to myself.

Sis, this New Year, that’s what I want for you too. I want you to embrace the beautiful, amazing soul that you already are.


Healing my injured mindset was the greatest gift I have ever given to myself...and to those that love me...needed me to be the best version of myself. I created a course to help YOU heal your troubled spirit, empower your mindset and become the best version of you...THE REAL YOU!

EMPOWERED WOMAN UNLEASHED is my most powerful course to date. (Check it out here!) If you don’t love it, I’ll refund your investment.


I’m cheering for you, Sis!

HAPPY 2023 and Beyond!!

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