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🆓Freedom to Mind Your Own Business

Jun 09, 2023

Nearly 2 years ago, I decided to get more serious about taking my coaching to the online community.

Trading my time for money was seriously wearing on me. Aside from coaching I also had several Airbnbs and an apartment complex I managed. I was working seven days a week, every single week, on call 24/7. That’s enough to wear anyone down.

I knew I was about to make a seriously drastic change in my coaching business that would require much more of my focus, so I let a huge block of my management company go. It was time to ‘be about it’ like I ‘talk about it’.

I wake up one morning in a panic over the ‘stupid decision’ I had made. My ego was beating me to death this particular day. I’m feeling like I had the biggest mistake ever!

I’m sitting in the office in my home, staring at my computer screen. “Camille, what have you done? Are you insane? Who gives up a huge block of business to pursue something else?”

I’m like, “Ok, Ok, Ok, Camille, get a hold of yourself. You are a survivor! You can do this!”

I place my hand on the mouse and click on Facebook and the first thing presented to me was an ad for taking a coaching business to an online community. Rolling my eyes, I click, add my email and wait.

Ping! -Email arrives.

I agree to the coaching call for the next day. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made…

4 days later, I’m taking a course teaching me how to serve a community online with my message and my gift of problem solving.

The course serves me still and was a great decision. But…

The platform for that course was my gamechanger!

Kajabi is the perfect platform for coaches, podcasters, creators, entrepreneurs, authors…those of us that have a message and a heart for serving others.

I was new to Kajabi, so I wasn’t familiar with how to make everything work and flow, but the help platform has a video tutorial for everything, and a team of experts prepared to answer questions through live chat or phone.

I’m like, “Wait! This is so easy, why aren’t more creators using it?”

I started talking about Kajabi to my clients, my friends, relatives…most of them hadn’t heard of Kajabi before! Needless to say, they have now.

Because I care about you, a member of my online community, I would be remiss if I did not share Kajabi with you as well.

If you have message and a heart to serve others with that message, you need Kajabi.

Kajabi has given me The Freedom to Mind My Own Business.

Check out Kajabi for FREE Here! (14 Day Trial!)

I have even taken it a step further, allowing inspiration to guide me to create my new eBook, Mind Your Own Business: 6 Steps To Building Your Dream Business From Scratch!  This eBook is for anyone that wants to start or revamp their business…and its FREE!

With my eBook you will learn:

Step 1: Empowered Business Success Mindset

Step 2: Idea/Business Concept

Step 3: Pre-Opening

Step 4: Launch & Marketing

Step 5: Open | Up & Running

Step 6: Maintain & Sustain

Mind Your Own Business…Here!

To summarize, Kajabi is FREE for 14 Days and a money back guarantee for a step-by-step guide to starting your business with my eBook, Mind Your Own Business.

If this POWER News doesn’t prompt you to action, you simply aren’t ready to experience The Freedom to Mind Your Own Business. If you missed my POWER News, ‘I Haven’t Had A Job in 7 Years’ read it HERE.

You have a desire to be more, do more, serve better or you wouldn’t have read this far…

Just remember…The Real You is, was, and always will be Written in Stone.

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