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✴️Conquering the Fear of Doing Videos

Sep 11, 2023

2018, developing and recording my first coaching course to offer online was literally one of the hardest tasks I’ve ever undertaken.

I had a camera, umbrella lighting, camera stand, and a big, shiny, white dry erase board. I would write a script word for word on my whiteboard, step behind the camera, read it, cut the camera off, erase, and add more script. 

Got any idea how long recording that first course took me??

 A. Really. Long. Time. 

When I recorded the final line of the very last video, I collapsed to the floor and cried my eyes out. I had severe anxiety anytime I stepped in front of a camera! 

A few weeks ago, I chatted with my Nutrition Coach while headed to meet a client. I told him he has to start doing videos. He shared that he loses all thoughts in his head the minute a camera is pointed in his direction. I laughed because I can sooooo relate! 

Chances suffer similarly anytime video is required of you. I get it! 

So this blog is all for you, but before we talk about how to conquer the fear of doing video, let’s first understand why it’s so hard in the first place. 

Here are some general reasons why people may be afraid to do videos:

🔵Self-consciousness: Many individuals feel self-conscious about their appearance, voice, or mannerisms. They may worry about being judged or criticized by others, which can create anxiety and fear.

🔵Fear of public speaking: Video involves presenting oneself in front of an audience, even if it's an online one. Public speaking can be intimidating for many people, and the thought of being in the spotlight can trigger fear and nervousness.

🔵Perfectionism: Some individuals may have high standards for themselves and fear that their videos won't meet those expectations. They may worry about making mistakes, stumbling over words, or not delivering their message effectively.

🔵Lack of experience or knowledge: People who are new to creating videos may feel uncertain about the technical aspects, such as camera setup, lighting, or editing. This lack of familiarity can lead to fear and hesitation.

🔵Fear of negative feedback: Sharing videos online opens individuals up to potential criticism or negative comments. The fear of receiving negative feedback or facing online trolls can deter people from creating videos.

🔵Lack of confidence: Low self-esteem or a lack of confidence in one's abilities can contribute to the fear of doing videos. Individuals may doubt their skills, knowledge, or value, making it difficult to put themselves out there.

🔵Fear of being vulnerable: Videos often require individuals to share personal stories, opinions, or expertise. This vulnerability can be intimidating, as it involves opening oneself up to potential judgment or rejection.

Video can be a powerful tool for connecting with your audience and sharing your expertise. Here are a few tips to help you overcome your fear:

🔵Start small: Begin by recording short videos for yourself, without the intention of sharing them. This will help you get comfortable in front of the camera and build your confidence gradually.

🔵Practice, practice, practice: The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll become. Set aside some time each day to practice speaking in front of the camera. You can even try recording yourself doing everyday activities or talking about topics you're passionate about.

🔵Visualize success: Before recording, take a few moments to visualize yourself speaking confidently and delivering your message effectively. This can help reduce anxiety and boost your confidence.

🔵Focus on your message: Remember that the purpose of your video is to share valuable content with your audience. Shift your focus from yourself to the information you're providing. This can help take the pressure off and make the process feel more natural.

🔵Embrace imperfections: It's important to remember that nobody is perfect, and that includes video creators. Embrace any imperfections or mistakes you make during recording. Authenticity is often appreciated by viewers, so don't be afraid to show your true self.

🔵Get feedback: Share your videos with a trusted friend or mentor and ask for their feedback. Constructive criticism can help you improve and gain confidence in your video-making skills.

🔵Start with a script or outline: Having a script or outline can provide structure and help you feel more prepared. It can also help alleviate any anxiety about forgetting what you want to say.

🔵Use props or visual aids: If you're feeling nervous, using props or visual aids can help divert attention away from yourself and onto the content you're presenting.

Remember, practice makes perfect! The more you practice and push through your fear, the more comfortable you'll become with doing videos.

Next step for you is to get my FREE eBook, Mind Your Own Business: 6 Steps for Building Your Dream Business From Scratch!

If you are reading this blog, you are desiring the reward of Minding Your Own Business...and I can tell you, THERE IS NOTHING LIKE IT! 


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