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šŸŽApples of the Same TreešŸŒ³

Jun 07, 2023

You’ve heard the expression ‘The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’, right?

Ahhhh, nothing could be truer in my family.

As we often gather for quality time, my 2 oldest sons, Chandler & Chaysen, compare each other to the traits they acquired from me and their father. Chaysen walks like his dad but shares my creative spirit. Chandler has strong male leadership qualities most definitely inherited from his dad, while he has my loving heart…

But one thing they inherited from both their mom and dad is an entrepreneurial spiritšŸ¤

Phillip and I started running our own businesses in our early 20s, beginning with a nightclub on the main strip in Chattanooga, TN. Our sons were introduced to business ownership very early in life. They saw us flip houses, bring big name music artists to our venues, operate restaurants, and host monster truck shoes on land they helped to clear.

Yes, our sons have been groomed for entrepreneurship!

Today, Chandler and Chaysen have their own company of remodeling homes, Patrick 2 Times. They are both still in their 20s and they support their families with the company they started from scratch.

As their mom and mentor, I am incredibly proud of these guys.

I’m especially proud of their marketing success. They developed their own marketing style, but they learned early that consistency is key. Patrick 2 Times utilizes TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook to showcase their impressive workmanship.

Until Patrick 2 Times started flexing on TikTok, I was NOT a believer! After seeing them get awesome results, I totally get the value this platform can bring to most any business…with just a little creativity. I included some back up about the success and effectiveness of TikTok. (See below)

While my sons have created a marketing strategy that grows their business month after month, many business owners fail to plan for successful marketing. The reality is, without marketing, your business can NOT survive.

After 25 years of operating my own businesses and helping other business owners to grow, whether as an employee or advisor, I have seen the same mistakes made over and over again in marketing. Business owners are lacking consistency, messaging, and an authentic passion for their service or product.

A couple of things happen with businesses:

  1. A business never operates to its full potential because of lack of marketing.


  1. The business takes off so quickly by word of mouth, the owner can’t keep up, quality begins to slip, and they end up at square one without a marketing strategy.

These problems inspired me to create a FREE EBOOK to assist business owners to get out of the ‘Marketing Funk’.

MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS: 6 STEPS TO BUILDING YOUR DREAM BUSINESS FROM SCRATCH will be your guide to revamp you business with a marketing strategy that works!

Why is the ebook free?

Because I have a passion for helping others succeed…hence the reason I coach. But I also know very well how awful it feels to work so hard on a business for it to be total ‘crickets’ when it’s released/opened.

It sucks!

When I released my first course I thought, “Yes, finally! People are going to love my work and get great benefits! My business is going to explode with success!” And I sold exactly ZERO of my first course! I was completely heartbroken and so was my confidence.

Hee, hee, hee! I giggle now at how naïve I was in the beginning.

I simply failed to develop a marketing strategy. That’s it!

I sure as heck do NOT want that to be you. So, click the link and get your instant download of MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS: 6 STEPS FOR BUILDING ANY BUSINESS FROM SCRATCH!

What do you have to lose (except your business you worked your butt off for)…it’s FREE!


The Real You is, was and always will be Written in Stone!

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