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👩🏼‍💻I Haven’t Had A Job In 7 Years!

Jun 07, 2023

The last job I had was selling air…literally, I sold air.

Seven years ago, when my son, Cannon was still a baby, I needed a job. I went back to work when he was only 5 weeks old. I couldn’t work full time because I didn’t have proper childcare, nor did I have money to pay for proper childcare. I initially went back to work for a company I had worked for many years back taking pictures of newborns before they went home from the hospital. I was only making $800-$1200 per month, so staying on for a long period of time was not possible. So, I listed my resume on and trusted that everything would work out.

I applied for several positions but the only company that called me for an interview was not one I had even applied to.

Phone ringing…”Hello.”

“Miss Stone? Demarland Dean here. How are you?”

I almost hung up thinking it’s a telemarketer or bill collector. Instead, I respond, “I’m ok. And who is this again?”

“Demarland Dean”, he’s saying again. “I’m with KZ106 and TALK Radio 102.3. Have you heard of us?”

I’m thinking, ‘of course I’ve heard of you!’ KZ106 is one of the oldest, most consistent radio stations in Chattanooga, TN. I grew up listening to the voices and Rock N Roll music on that station.

“Yes, I know the stations.”

He continues, “Listen Miss Stone, I came across your resume, and we would like to schedule you for an interview. Can you be here at the station tomorrow at 11am?”

My career of selling air officially began.

My cousin that lived 50 minutes away was my main source for childcare. My morning would start at 4am with me waking, getting a shower, getting Cannon ready and making the long drive to Mowbry Mountian and an equally long drive back to the radio station for the prompt 8:30am meeting. I would then go business to business, cold calling peddling advertising air space. After a long day of lots and lots of ‘no’s’, I would pick Cannon up and we would finally make it home around 7pm.

Sadly, the long days of work and travel, missing out on precious time with my baby, was not the worst part. The thing that sucked most was I was still living paycheck to paycheck and doing without much of what we needed to live a normal, productive life…I mean nothing fancy…just the basics living necessities.

I would wake up each day and think, ‘There has got to be a better way.’

When my older sons were little, I was an entrepreneur. I created my own schedule and even though I worked really hard, basically owning a job, I was still the boss of me. I wanted that freedom again, but this time I was on my own. I was now the sole provider for my family so taking a chance at business ownership again scared the hell out of me!

If you’re thinking of starting a business or you’ve got an idea that you know there’s a market for, but you haven’t taken that step to entrepreneurship yet, I’ll bet you’re scared too.

You’re not wrong for feeling anxious over making a major career change or taking a huge risk, but let me put things in perspective for you of what’s even scarier…

*Working for a company for years and suddenly getting fired, laid off, or discarded due to downsizing.

*Living paycheck to paycheck and never having the money for the basics like a new car, owning a house, college for your children; and what about extras like family vacations, private school, and simply the freedom to say ‘yes’ more often.

*Speaking of freedom, what about your time? Time is the one thing you can never get back. You can get more money, more stuff, more influence, but time…once it’s gone it’s gone. Do you want to give more of your time to building someone else’s dream or to your own?

*And then there’s your dream, your gift, the thing inside you that you were meant to birth into the marketplace. The world needs what you what you have! Ask yourself if you are taking your rightful place in the world as an employee or if it’s time to start something amazing for you and your family.

“The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes, and dreams never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid.” -Les Brown

Who is Les Brown? (here)

Ok, so back to me being scared to death to start another business, I knew I needed to remember all the benefits of owning a business.

*Being the Boss

*Financial freedom

*Control of my time

*Serve people the way that I was meant to, the way that inspires me

*Control of creative, growth, and culture of my business

The article below from The Balance is a great read about how amazing owning a business can be…when done correctly!

Benefits of Owning A Business by The Balance (click!)

So yea, I was scared, but I also had this passion in my heart to serve others, to help others heal from emotional and physical abuse and…

Wait for it…

Teach ‘entrepreneurs’ how to start, maintain, and grow a business!

I wanted to build a Life & Business Coaching Company…and I did!

It wasn’t easy. I started small. I failed over and over again. I trusted the process and still lost faith at times. I had to make a conscious decision to stick with it even when I wanted to quit…like I mean, I wanted to quit so bad at times, so I constantly reminded myself of the risks and pains of being an employee. I had to dig deep and find grit, tenacity, and courage, knowing that my gift is valuable in the marketplace.

I’ve actually got 25 years of experience of failing and starting over, fixing problems and learning a better way, but when I was in the midst of all that failing, I had no clue it would lead me to where I am today. My vision wasn’t big enough to see the life I have now.

So, what does all this mean for you? Well, if you have the entrepreneurial desire swelling in your heart, there’s never been a better time than right now to start your business.

CNBC Reports millions of new millionaires in the U.S. alone in 2021. The stock market attributed to much of it, but a big part of the rise in millionaires is that people had to learn to be more resourceful…one of the benefits of a global pandemic. People were literally forced to find alternate means of making ends meet, monetizing their gifts and talents.

CNN’s research shows a whopping 2.5 million new millionaires for 2020! That’s incredible!

DISCLAIMER!!! I want to be clear when I say I AM NOT YOUR GET RICH QUICK GIRL! It can happen, but in my experience, the get rich quick folks become the get broke even quicker folks.

However, if you want to do what you know you were meant to do, my exact model for building a business online or storefront, service or products business, is now available…your step-by-step guide for starting OR revamping your business.

I’ve created an eBook that will help you start, maintain, & grow any business…or revamp your current business.

Mind Your Own Business: 6 Steps To Starting Any Business From Scratch was inspired by one of my clients that has been in the landscaping business for nearly 30 years. I was amazed that he has stayed afloat so long because he was running his entire business off notebook paper! He had zero office staff, no accounting software or process, no job platform…simply sheets of paper in a notebook. Let me emphasize, he was overworked, exhausted, and desperate for help.

Mind Your Own Business is the 6 Step Guide to help you start/revamp, maintain & grow a successful business!

My eBook includes every strategy I used to build my coaching business and coach my clients.

  • Step 1: Empowered Business Success Mindset
  • Step 2: Idea Business Concept
  • Step 3: Pre-Opening
  • Step 4: Launching & Marketing 
  • Step 5: Open | Up & Running
  • Step 6: Maintain & Sustain

No pressure but if you want to take the guess work out of starting and operating a business, click here to get your copy of Mind Your Own Business: 6 Steps to Building Any Business From Scratch.

Have you ever seen the movie, ‘Knight and Day’? Check out the scene from the movie below.

With Me, Without Me -‘Knight and Day’ (click!)

With me, you can build your dream business with benefits that I couldn’t even dream of for myself years ago.


The choice is yours.

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