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🛑5 Reasons NOT to Hire a Life Coach!

why not to hire a life coach Oct 14, 2022

Have you been wondering what all this Life Coaching stuff is about and what’s so special about it? I mean, there’s Life Coaches everywhere now; specializing in everything from helping clients to improve their relationships, increase their bottom line, and live a more enjoyable life.

Blah, blah, blah, right?

So…here’s 5 reasons NOT to Hire a Life Coach!

A Life Coach will hold you accountable!

In a world where there are distractions coming at you from every possible direction from Social Media, News, children, family, friends, work, etc., it’s incredibly tempting to allow other’s agenda to dominate your priorities.

It’s way too easy to put your goals, dream, or, heck, even your to-do list on the back burner to focus on things that keep you from being number one.

Life Coaches will be all in your business encouraging you to make “you” a priority and hold you accountable for the things you have expressed you desire for your life. Then you might be faced with success in your life or achievements you may never have imagined possible before.

A Life Coach will force you to face your fears!

Everyone has a fear of something whether it be spiders, heights or public speaking. Most are okay with having the fear and no real desire to overcome it. A Life Coach, however, will help you discover the association with your fear and your inability to move forward in certain areas of your life.

Yep, Life Coaches are trained to get you over the hump of facing your fears, officially putting it behind you forever…yikes!

A Life Coach empowers you to find the good in most any situation.

Omg! That change of perspective stuff is a real big deal to Life Coaches!

You know, glass half empty vs. glass half full??

A negative mindset is so much easier and familiar for most so much so that there’s great joy in finding the latest drama to discuss, ponder and spread.

Life Coaches inevitably put an end to the unknowing suffering of their clients, teaching methods to paint a clearer, more positive picture of every situation, ultimately causing happiness to feel more natural and appealing.

The result of such coaching is that others see said client as one of those people that’s always happy!

Life Coaches actually charge a fee!

Many people’s purse strings have tightened with the odd times we are all experiencing. Spending habits have changed, personal styles have undergone transformation, and most things that aren’t absolutely necessary have been removed from budgets all together.

Why then would anyone spend their money on a Life Coach??

Life Coaches reason that they are an investment into yourself and there’s never been a better time than right now to access your personal power. They even help you to reorganize your finances to allow for personal development funds!


Giving up daily fast food runs and movie rentals while enjoying sofa solitude may not be too appealing to others…or is it??

And last but not least…

Life Coaches support your dream chasing journey!

With Life Coaches, dream chasing is always allowed and even encouraged!

Remember, however, that your friends, family and colleagues are going to think your nuts or try to talk you out of it!

And with good reason…how much fun are going to be to your fellow fast food eating, drama escalating, couch potato-ing, buddies that have no desire to get in too big a hurry to face a challenge??


Once you start doing that fancy stuff like accomplishing goals and making dreams come true, other positive, motivating, dream-chasers will want to know you, be friends, and hang out!

How are your old buddies supposed to feel about that??

Think long and hard about accepting destiny’s invitation!

I promise you will never be the same again…your Life Coach will make sure of it!

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I became a Life Transformation Coach because I love people and my greatest joy is witnessing my clients' ah-ha moments!! 

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